
Monday, 07-12-2021

I Don't Like It Here

Monday, 03-11-2024

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 8 of 14

Thursday, 07-30-2015

"The Same as to Knowledge," Part 3 of 14

Thursday, 06-25-2015

"Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?"

Saturday, 01-10-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 10 of 10

Tuesday, 06-02-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 1of 10

Tuesday, 05-12-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 2 of 10

Thursday, 05-14-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 3 of 10

Saturday, 05-16-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 4 of 10

Tuesday, 05-19-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 5 of 10

Thursday, 05-21-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 6 of 10

Saturday, 05-23-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 7 of 10

Tuesday, 05-26-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 8 of 10

Thursday, 05-28-2015

A Dialogue on Natural Law, Part 9 of 10

Saturday, 05-30-2015

A Doubt about a Doubt

Thursday, 07-23-2020

A Few Drops

Sunday, 03-31-2024

A Gender Studies Hoax

Wednesday, 08-08-2018

A Genetic Hack for Virtue?

Monday, 01-30-2023

A Hard Question

Sunday, 02-01-2015

A Little Conversation about Value

Friday, 02-05-2016

A Little Secret

Monday, 02-07-2022

A Little Talk

Monday, 11-21-2016

A Modest Resolution

Monday, 03-01-2021

A Mother’s Sorrow

Monday, 01-29-2018

A New Mirror for Princes

Monday, 04-12-2021

A New Twist on Conspicuous Consumption

Friday, 05-22-2015

A Note about Language

Thursday, 06-25-2020

A Place to Start

Saturday, 01-02-2016

A Question for the Teachers of the Church

Monday, 03-13-2017

A Refrigerator from Birth

Thursday, 03-17-2022

A Richer Blend of Mondays

Tuesday, 02-09-2016

A Stitch in Time

Saturday, 03-05-2016

A Stronger Remedy

Sunday, 12-25-2022

A Tasket, a Tiskit, a Green and Orange Statistic

Saturday, 07-14-2018

A Thomist Trailer

Sunday, 02-14-2016

A Vaccine for Bitterness

Monday, 01-31-2022

A View of Marriage

Monday, 04-23-2018

A Wonder

Sunday, 08-24-2014

A Word to the Wise

Sunday, 04-12-2015


Monday, 05-30-2022

Acting Naturally

Friday, 11-28-2014

Addiction and Vice

Tuesday, 11-24-2015

Advice for the President-Elect

Monday, 11-14-2016

All That Weirdness

Monday, 02-04-2019

Am I Guilty for What Other People Did?

Monday, 07-09-2018

Am I Judging Them?

Monday, 11-02-2015

An Almost Universal Law

Tuesday, 09-23-2014

An Angry Professor

Monday, 11-11-2013

An Imaginary Interview about This Blog

Saturday, 09-05-2015

An Odd Pair of Doubts

Monday, 02-20-2023

And I Ought to Know

Sunday, 12-06-2015

Angels and Confirmation Bias

Monday, 01-18-2016

Animale Rational

Saturday, 11-29-2014

Annals of Limerick

Sunday, 12-14-2014


Monday, 04-18-2016

Another One!

Thursday, 03-31-2022

Another Sort of Heresy

Saturday, 10-18-2014

Answering a Question with a Question

Tuesday, 08-12-2014

Anti-Realism and All That

Wednesday, 02-04-2015


Monday, 04-17-2023

Antipasto II

Monday, 05-22-2023


Wednesday, 01-20-2016


Monday, 04-29-2019

Any of This Could Be Argued

Monday, 04-21-2014

Anything Goes

Saturday, 06-20-2015

Approved Bigotries

Monday, 05-18-2015

Arcade’s Deception

Tuesday, 12-30-2014

Are Christians “Idealists?”

Monday, 04-24-2023

Are Libertines Libertarians?

Monday, 10-30-2017

Are Souls Made of God-Stuff?

Monday, 01-21-2019

Are the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses Inconsistent?

Saturday, 03-07-2015

Are We Happy Yet? Don't Just Count the Numbers

Friday, 02-25-2022

Are We Happy Yet? Don’t Just Count the Numbers

Friday, 03-04-2022

Are Women More Emotional than Men?

Sunday, 03-28-2021

Argument to the Best Explanation

Sunday, 04-19-2015

Artificial Things

Monday, 03-22-2021

Atheism, Capital “A” and Small “a”

Saturday, 07-26-2014

Attempt at a Definition

Sunday, 03-29-2015

Augustine on the Natural Knowledge of God

Friday, 07-25-2014

Author of Blog Provokes Disturbance in Classroom

Monday, 01-26-2015

Authority and the Common Good

Monday, 04-18-2022

Away With the Manger

Monday, 12-02-2019

Babies as Parasites

Monday, 05-23-2022

Back Seat of a Cadillac

Sunday, 03-06-2016

Bad Man, Good Statesman

Tuesday, 01-06-2015

Bad Reasoning about Hard Choices

Monday, 03-16-2020

Ballot of the Living Dead

Friday, 09-10-2021

Baloney Meters

Thursday, 01-21-2016


Monday, 11-17-2014

Barter, Anyone?

Sunday, 08-29-2021

Beating Up on St. Augustine

Monday, 10-12-2015

Beauty and Prose Style

Monday, 02-24-2020

Beauty and – Other Things

Monday, 01-28-2019


Tuesday, 12-22-2015


Monday, 12-11-2023

Being Less White

Monday, 09-13-2021

Being on "the Wrong Side of History"

Monday, 04-14-2014

Being Sure

Sunday, 04-03-2016

Beloved Infidel

Monday, 10-23-2017

Better Late Than Never

Sunday, 05-24-2015

Beyond Argument

Sunday, 12-13-2015

Beyond the Border of Mere

Saturday, 02-08-2014

Biotechnology as Religion

Saturday, 08-09-2014

Blaming the Victim

Tuesday, 12-02-2014

Blessing Israel

Thursday, 10-26-2023

Body and Soul Unity

Tuesday, 08-19-2014

Boutique Rioting

Sunday, 05-31-2020

Burning Minds, Thoughtful Feelings

Monday, 04-08-2019

By Degrees

Wednesday, 12-23-2015

C.S. Lewis and Conscience

Monday, 07-24-2023

Cable Bills and Birth Control Pills

Tuesday, 03-08-2016

Can a Nonbeliever Pray?

Monday, 07-27-2020

Can an Atheist Be a Moral Realist?

Monday, 09-05-2022

Can An Atheist Believe in the Natural Moral Law?

Friday, 08-08-2014

Can God Not Be Enough?

Monday, 10-26-2015

Can I Be Healed Without the Doctor?

Monday, 12-06-2021

Can It Ever Be Bad to Be Sad?

Monday, 08-21-2017

Can Justice and Mercy Embrace?

Monday, 07-16-2018

Can Politics Be Reduced to a Science?

Monday, 01-23-2017

Can This House Stand?

Thursday, 12-16-2021

Can We Believe and Feel Things at Will?

Monday, 11-22-2021

Can We Predict Our Own Actions?

Wednesday, 10-29-2014

Can’t Decide Which One Is Best

Sunday, 11-22-2015

Castle Archives

Tuesday, 02-21-2017

Change of Heart

Monday, 07-06-2015

Change of Heart in Confucius

Wednesday, 01-13-2016

Character May Be Destiny, Personality Isn’t

Monday, 11-05-2018


Friday, 11-07-2014


Sunday, 02-21-2016

Child and Chimp

Tuesday, 05-05-2015

Children Are Not Costs and Benefits

Thursday, 08-21-2014

Children Raised by Wolves

Monday, 10-30-2023

Children Who Lose Their Faith: What Can You Do?

Thursday, 06-02-2022

Chip by Chip

Wednesday, 02-17-2016

Christian Hedonism?

Wednesday, 02-24-2016

Christianity Teaches Violence and Intolerance. True or False?

Monday, 04-01-2019

Civil Disobedience

Monday, 06-29-2015

Civil Unions and the Pope’s Job

Monday, 11-16-2020


Sunday, 11-16-2014

Clean, Obvious, Cold, Superficial, and Wrong

Wednesday, 08-27-2014

Climate Modeling

Saturday, 01-16-2016

Cohabitation Is Not Marriage Prep

Monday, 04-16-2018

Come on, Man! The President as an Ethical Theorist

Monday, 03-21-2022

Comfort for the New Year

Monday, 01-01-2018

Coming Soon: My New Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on the One God

Monday, 06-17-2024


Monday, 06-08-2020

Common Good Jurisprudence, Fettered and Unfettered

Monday, 02-14-2022

Conference on Fatherhood

Saturday, 09-01-2018

Connecting the Dots

Monday, 06-24-2019

Conscience Does Not Care What We Assume

Friday, 02-26-2016

Conscience Is Not a Feeling

Monday, 11-28-2022

Conservative Judicial Activism?

Monday, 01-29-2024

Considering the Audience

Monday, 07-30-2018


Monday, 08-28-2017

Consonants and Culture

Thursday, 10-21-2021

Constitutional CYA

Thursday, 04-23-2020


Monday, 08-10-2015

Control, Not Protection

Monday, 03-07-2022

Conversation with a Six Year Old

Monday, 04-13-2020


Monday, 03-05-2018


Monday, 11-25-2013

Cornering the Market

Monday, 10-05-2015

Couldn’t Resist

Thursday, 02-09-2017

Counter-Intuitive Ethics?

Friday, 12-26-2014

Covid and Civil Disobedience

Monday, 01-03-2022

Covid-19 and Goo Goo-12

Thursday, 05-21-2020

Cow Patties

Thursday, 12-04-2014


Saturday, 02-14-2015

Cribbing from the Pagans?

Friday, 11-20-2015

Crime and Punishment

Thursday, 02-12-2015

Curiosity as the Enemy of Wonder

Friday, 12-12-2014

Curious Differences

Wednesday, 03-04-2015

Dangerous Truths

Monday, 12-04-2017

Dark Night of the Grad Student Soul

Saturday, 04-04-2015

David, Goliath, and Subsidiarity

Monday, 02-26-2024

Defunding the Police

Monday, 02-15-2021

Defunding the Thought Police, One School at a Time

Monday, 01-11-2021

Defying the Natural Law

Monday, 04-13-2015

Deicide Entails Homicide

Thursday, 04-02-2015

Déjà Vu, Part 1 of 2

Saturday, 05-09-2015

Déjà Vu, Part 2 of 2

Sunday, 05-10-2015


Monday, 08-08-2022

Demystify the Demystifiers

Monday, 12-05-2022

Desire of the Everlasting Hills

Thursday, 08-14-2014


Monday, 10-10-2016

Devices and Desires of the Heart

Monday, 08-29-2022

Did He Really Say That?

Tuesday, 04-28-2015

Did You Hear the One ...

Sunday, 10-05-2014

Difficult Question for Young Pragmatist

Sunday, 07-20-2014


Thursday, 01-24-2019


Monday, 08-19-2019

Divine Comedy

Monday, 04-19-2021

Divine Commands, Part 1 of 2

Monday, 01-12-2015

Divine Commands, Part 2 of 2

Tuesday, 01-13-2015

Divine Correlations

Thursday, 07-24-2014

Divine Law Explained

Monday, 05-03-2021

Divine Pedagogy

Monday, 03-26-2018

Diving In

Monday, 04-11-2016

Divorcing the Church from Civil “Marriage”

Tuesday, 07-14-2015

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven?

Saturday, 04-18-2015

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven? The Debate Continues

Monday, 05-15-2023

Do Humans Want Joy?

Wednesday, 11-18-2015

Do Most People Want the Same Things?

Wednesday, 11-24-2021

Do Pro-Life People Care About the Mothers?

Monday, 05-02-2022

Do the Moral Virtues "Know" Anything?

Monday, 05-29-2017

Do We Have to Buy the Whole Package?

Monday, 10-13-2014

Does Calling It Family Make It So?

Monday, 05-25-2015

Does Faith Make Reason Less Reasonable?

Monday, 07-23-2018

Does It Ever Get Better?

Monday, 03-04-2024

Does Natural Law Require Democracy?

Saturday, 03-14-2015

Does Sola Scriptura Mean “No Natural Law”?

Monday, 08-31-2015

Doing What I Like

Monday, 11-19-2018

Double Header

Thursday, 04-21-2022

Double Standards

Monday, 10-31-2022

Doubleplusgood Ducktalkers

Monday, 01-15-2018

Drawing Blindfolded

Sunday, 05-17-2015

Dredging the sunken conscience

Monday, 11-18-2013

Dropping the Ball

Monday, 12-09-2013


Sunday, 03-27-2016

Edward Rubin’s New Morality

Friday, 04-10-2015

Eight Minutes on Why Stoicism Won’t Make You Happy

Friday, 07-07-2023


Monday, 11-20-2017

Eliminating One Bump

Monday, 11-23-2020

Elites, Deplorables, and Political Style

Monday, 07-03-2023

Elmo’s Constitutional Adventure

Thursday, 08-19-2021

Empathy as the Enemy of Proper Sympathy

Thursday, 12-11-2014

Emptiness in Christ?

Monday, 03-16-2015

Enchanted Terms

Tuesday, 03-15-2016

Endzone Celebration

Wednesday, 12-02-2015

Enough With the Praise Already!

Monday, 02-21-2022

Environmental Non Sequiturs

Monday, 11-12-2018


Sunday, 11-23-2014

Equal Insanity Under Law

Saturday, 01-09-2016

Equivocating About Meritocracy

Thursday, 09-16-2021


Monday, 04-08-2024

Evangelicals in the Public Square RIDES AGAIN

Wednesday, 07-24-2019

Evangelizing Christians (Part 1 of 4)

Monday, 10-06-2014

Evangelizing Christians (Part 2 of 4)

Tuesday, 10-07-2014

Evangelizing Christians (Part 3 of 4)

Wednesday, 10-08-2014

Evangelizing Christians (Part 4 of 4)

Thursday, 10-09-2014

Evangelizing Neo-Pagans

Monday, 03-03-2014

Even now! Even now!

Sunday, 04-05-2015

Evolutionary Ethics, Part 1 of 2

Wednesday, 12-31-2014

Evolutionary Ethics, Part 2 of 2

Thursday, 01-01-2015


Monday, 04-10-2023

Explaining Everything

Friday, 10-31-2014

Fairyland and Ogreland

Friday, 07-18-2014

Faith and Reason

Sunday, 04-26-2015

Fall of a Freshman

Monday, 07-20-2015

False Alternatives

Monday, 06-14-2021

False Light and Real Darkness

Thursday, 10-02-2014

Father Frog

Monday, 05-14-2018

Fatherly Authority

Monday, 09-15-2014

Fear and Forbearance

Monday, 04-20-2020

Felons' Tears

Wednesday, 05-13-2015

Felons’ Tears, Revisited

Saturday, 06-13-2015

Fighting One’s Grandmother

Sunday, 12-28-2014


Monday, 10-03-2016

First Principles

Monday, 10-03-2022

First Transpecies Surgery

Monday, 09-24-2018

Fixing Death

Monday, 06-07-2021

Following the Science

Thursday, 05-28-2020

For Him and Yet for Ourselves

Sunday, 10-11-2015

For Hold This Fast

Thursday, 12-24-2015

For No Other Reason?

Monday, 01-24-2022

For Their Own Sakes?

Monday, 06-05-2017

Forked Tongue

Sunday, 04-10-2016

Forms Are Conserved

Saturday, 02-06-2016


Monday, 05-10-2021

Fragment from an Earlier Civilization

Saturday, 12-13-2014

Free Exercise of What?

Saturday, 01-22-2022

Free Stuff and Aspirational Rights

Monday, 03-02-2020

Free Will and Divine Sovereignty

Monday, 07-07-2014

Freedom Sub One and Sub Two

Saturday, 11-08-2014

Friedrich Nietzsche -- and Why I Believe in Penance

Tuesday, 02-02-2016

Friendship Among Unequals

Monday, 12-01-2014

From a Scientific Point of View

Sunday, 11-02-2014

From an Easter Homily of Thomas Aquinas

Monday, 04-17-2017

From the Menagerie of Rare Beasts: The Politics of Virtues

Thursday, 08-01-2019

From the Mouths of Children

Monday, 02-06-2023

From the Undiscovered Notes of John Bunyan

Wednesday, 01-06-2016

Full Circle

Monday, 12-05-2016

Fuzzy Logic Is Fuzzy Thinking

Sunday, 05-28-2023

Gazing at the Earth

Monday, 12-20-2021

Generational Opinion Change

Tuesday, 08-05-2014


Sunday, 01-03-2016

Getting In a Mess and Getting Out

Tuesday, 12-16-2014

Getting out of Dodge

Friday, 06-06-2014

Getting Past the Gatekeepers

Monday, 11-09-2020

Getting the Bugs Out of Humbug

Wednesday, 04-15-2015

Getting the Point

Sunday, 05-03-2015

Getting Well

Thursday, 01-07-2016

Giggling into the Abyss

Monday, 03-27-2017

Global Cooling

Monday, 09-10-2018

God or the Enemy?

Monday, 08-07-2017

God Rest Ye Merry, Melancholics

Wednesday, 12-24-2014

Gods of the Lash

Saturday, 04-09-2016

Gods, Action Heroes, and Transhumanism

Monday, 08-04-2014

Goo Goos

Thursday, 02-26-2015

Good and Bad Discontent

Monday, 06-25-2018

Good Bias

Saturday, 09-20-2014

Good Friday

Friday, 03-25-2016

Good news. One of them lost.

Wednesday, 11-09-2016

Grad Students on Holiday

Friday, 12-04-2015

Grad Students, No More Bellyaching about Prelims

Sunday, 07-27-2014

Graduation Jitters

Monday, 11-23-2015

Grammar School

Sunday, 11-23-2014

Greater Than Ourselves?

Monday, 07-19-2021

Gregory of Nazianzus on Easter

Sunday, 04-01-2018

Guilt, Fear, and Shame

Monday, 02-02-2015

Happier Unhappy?

Monday, 12-18-2023

Happiness and Blue Cups

Monday, 02-03-2020

Happiness Is a Warm Company?

Monday, 04-25-2022

Happiness Is a Warm Company? COMPLETE

Thursday, 05-19-2022

Hard Things

Wednesday, 03-16-2016

Harmless Vices

Monday, 05-13-2024


Tuesday, 02-03-2015

Has Common Good Constitutionalism Anything to Do with Constitutions?

Thursday, 04-09-2020

Has God Receded?

Saturday, 10-11-2014

Hate Crimes

Saturday, 08-08-2015

Have a Happy, Non-Neutral Thanksgiving

Thursday, 11-26-2020

Have Mercy

Monday, 11-07-2016

He Has Destroyed Death

Sunday, 04-04-2021

Hear No Evil

Monday, 06-26-2017

Heavenly Father, Please Disregard the Previous Petition

Wednesday, 08-05-2015


Thursday, 01-14-2016

Heirs of the Stalking Horse

Monday, 05-31-2021

Hell Was Bound in Chains

Sunday, 04-17-2022

Herald and Messenger

Sunday, 11-15-2015

Herds of Supermen

Monday, 12-16-2019

Heroic Virtue

Sunday, 01-11-2015

Hey, Kids! Now You Can Play the Slots Too!

Friday, 10-09-2015

Hey, Man, Stuff Changes

Monday, 02-19-2024

He’s Baaaack

Tuesday, 07-26-2016

He’s Not the Boss of Me

Monday, 12-22-2014

High Tech Child Abandonment

Monday, 10-04-2021

Highway Utopianism: Or, Legislating for How Planners Think We Ought to Be Instead of How We Are

Monday, 05-20-2024

Hihyer Eddicashun

Monday, 05-22-2017

His Will and the Counsel of His Will

Monday, 04-04-2016


Friday, 04-08-2016

History and General Providence

Friday, 12-05-2014

History and Particular Providence

Saturday, 12-06-2014

History’s Highest Function

Monday, 09-30-2019

Hitting the Nail on the Head

Thursday, 08-26-2021

Holy Thursday

Thursday, 03-24-2016

Homelessness and Phony Compassion

Monday, 07-08-2024

Hooking Up High

Monday, 07-08-2019

Hope for Us All

Thursday, 10-23-2014

How Are You Doing in the Pandemic?

Monday, 12-07-2020

How Divided Government Was Supposed to Work, and How It Actually Does

Friday, 11-27-2015

How Free Are Those Free Choices?

Monday, 06-23-2014

How Is This Not Incoherent? No. 1

Sunday, 09-14-2014

How Is This Not Incoherent? No. 2

Wednesday, 09-24-2014

How Much Difference Does it Make?

Tuesday, 04-05-2016

How My Law Profs Talk about Rights

Monday, 01-25-2016

How Not to Have Clean Hands

Monday, 09-25-2017

How Philosophy Goes

Saturday, 08-23-2014

How the Meaning of Liberty Did and Didn’t Change

Sunday, 02-07-2016

How the Natural Law Thinker Thinks

Monday, 09-14-2015

How to Be Full and Exact

Monday, 01-14-2019

How to Call a Bad King to Account

Saturday, 10-09-2021

How to Raise Poltroons

Wednesday, 04-01-2015

How to Ruin Lives

Monday, 08-26-2019

How to Think about Intelligence

Wednesday, 02-12-2014

How to Think About “Institutional” Racism

Monday, 08-16-2021

How to View Loving as Hating

Monday, 05-06-2019

How Will the Coronavirus Change Us? Let’s Rephrase That

Monday, 04-06-2020

How You Are Different from a Cow

Friday, 05-01-2015

How You Are Different From a Turnip

Sunday, 05-31-2015

I Can Never Be Thrown Away

Sunday, 03-08-2015

I Can’t Believe I Wasted All Four Years

Monday, 11-09-2015

I Have Changed, Therefore I Exist

Monday, 07-22-2019

I Sense a Disturbance in the Force

Monday, 02-09-2015

I Think, Therefore It’s So

Tuesday, 04-06-2021


Monday, 03-14-2016

If Conscience Is Real, How Can We Believe Foul Things?

Monday, 11-06-2023

If I Marry, What Kind of Love Am I Promising?

Monday, 09-14-2020

If Man Is the Image of God

Wednesday, 11-10-2021

If There Really Were a Natural Law

Thursday, 07-09-2020

If We Were Immortal

Monday, 09-03-2018

If You Are One of Those

Friday, 12-25-2015

Imitation and Peer Pressure

Sunday, 03-12-2023

Impeaching Everyone

Tuesday, 01-12-2021

In God We Trust – Who, Me?

Saturday, 01-30-2016


Sunday, 08-17-2014

Incident on Route 66

Tuesday, 07-21-2015

Incompetent, or Just Too Old?

Thursday, 07-14-2022


Monday, 01-13-2020


Thursday, 09-11-2014


Monday, 10-09-2023

Intelligence Is Not What You Think

Monday, 03-08-2021

Intelligence, Crime, and Eugenics

Monday, 07-31-2023


Monday, 01-30-2017

Interpreting the Law

Sunday, 06-21-2020

Interview with Tom Loarie of Mentors Radio

Saturday, 07-16-2022


Saturday, 03-19-2022

Intrinsically Evil Acts

Tuesday, 11-04-2014


Monday, 10-14-2013

Is and Ought

Monday, 03-30-2015

Is and Ought Again

Wednesday, 04-29-2015

Is Believing in God Like Believing in Zeus?

Monday, 08-17-2015

Is Celibacy Unnatural?

Monday, 07-21-2014

Is Civil “Marriage” Still Marriage?

Tuesday, 07-07-2015

Is Conscience Really an Illusion?

Friday, 03-13-2015

Is Dropping a Friend a Sin?

Monday, 03-25-2024

Is God a Legal Positivist?

Monday, 05-20-2019

Is God a Meaningless Abstraction?

Monday, 03-27-2023

Is History All in Our Heads?

Monday, 12-29-2014

Is Inconsistency Really Just a Hobgoblin of Little Minds?

Monday, 06-12-2023

Is It Blessed or Isn't It?

Monday, 01-08-2024

Is It Just Silly?

Monday, 01-15-2024

Is love selfish?

Monday, 01-20-2014

Is Modesty the Cause of Lust?

Saturday, 01-03-2015

Is Natural Law Catholic?

Monday, 09-12-2016

Is Natural Law Really Law?

Monday, 02-16-2015

Is Pride Really Graver Than Murder?

Monday, 05-01-2023

Is Religious Liberty an Indulgence?

Saturday, 10-25-2014

Is Revelation Reasonable?

Monday, 04-03-2017

Is That Cool or What?

Tuesday, 03-01-2022

Is That Everything?

Monday, 09-07-2015

Is There a Moral “Sense”?

Monday, 08-17-2020

Is There Collective Responsibility?

Thursday, 03-12-2015

Is Toleration a Virtue?

Monday, 02-13-2017

It Seems Like Straw

Monday, 08-27-2018

It Was a Beautiful Fight

Friday, 08-22-2014

It’s All About Me

Monday, 04-30-2018

It’s Bad, But Not That Bad, Is It?

Monday, 05-16-2022

It’s Cold Out There

Friday, 01-15-2016

It’s MY Purpose. Hands off.

Monday, 11-08-2021

It’s Not True Until Simon Says

Friday, 04-17-2015

I’m Just Not Going To

Monday, 06-13-2022

I’m With Stupid

Monday, 09-09-2019

John Chrysostom on Natural Law (and why he matters)

Tuesday, 07-29-2014

Judging God

Monday, 02-05-2018

Just a Little Clarification

Monday, 06-17-2019

Just a little tweak

Tuesday, 11-10-2015

Just a Message (but important)

Thursday, 02-14-2019

Just for the Record

Wednesday, 10-01-2014

Just Like Me

Wednesday, 01-07-2015

Just Like Me (Take 2)

Saturday, 11-07-2015

Just Published

Monday, 05-15-2017

Justin Martyr on the Resurrection

Sunday, 04-12-2020

Knowing the Law

Monday, 10-22-2018

Knowledge, Power, and Obsession

Monday, 03-09-2020


Wednesday, 10-07-2015

Left, Right, Prudence, Principle, and Catholic Social Doctrine (Part 1 of 3)

Tuesday, 10-14-2014

Left, Right, Prudence, Principle, and Catholic Social Doctrine (Part 2 of 3)

Wednesday, 10-15-2014

Left, Right, Prudence, Principle, and Catholic Social Doctrine (Part 3 of 3)

Thursday, 10-16-2014

Lesser Evils and Elections

Monday, 10-19-2020

Let a Hundred Flowers Be Trampled

Monday, 02-08-2021

Let Every Soul Be Subject – to What?

Tuesday, 07-25-2017

Let Me Be Perfectly Clear

Thursday, 11-12-2015

Let Us All Give Thanks … No, Thankfulness … Wait a Minute …

Wednesday, 11-23-2022

Letter to a young Catholic friend

Thursday, 06-12-2014

Letting Go

Wednesday, 12-16-2015

Letting Schroedinger’s Cat out of the Bag

Tuesday, 10-28-2014

Letting the Other Guy Make the Rules

Wednesday, 10-21-2015

Liberalism and Wealth

Saturday, 01-31-2015

Liberals and Puritans

Thursday, 01-29-2015

Liberating Women to Serve Men

Monday, 11-14-2022

Libertarianism as the Liberalism of the Right

Thursday, 12-18-2014

Liberty License

Saturday, 04-23-2016

Lies, Damned Lies, and Relativism

Thursday, 02-05-2015

Life After Roe for Pro-Lifers

Monday, 08-01-2022

Life in the Rat Cage

Tuesday, 04-07-2015

Light Through Darkness

Tuesday, 03-03-2015


Thursday, 10-10-2019

Little Story About Big Story

Monday, 07-13-2015

Living and Dead Constitutions

Monday, 03-30-2020

Living Like an Animal

Friday, 05-08-2015

Loftier than Wealth

Friday, 12-31-2021


Monday, 11-15-2021

Look Before You Leap

Saturday, 09-06-2014

Losing Faith

Sunday, 10-26-2014

Losing Our Heads

Thursday, 03-05-2015

Lost Time

Monday, 03-19-2018

Lowering the Voting Age

Monday, 11-29-2021


Thursday, 12-23-2021

Lunacy and the Life of the Mind

Monday, 05-18-2020

Luxuries Forbidden to the Teacher

Wednesday, 03-30-2016

Lying for Life, Last Word

Wednesday, 08-12-2015

Lying for Life?

Tuesday, 07-28-2015

Lying for Life? Continued

Wednesday, 07-29-2015


Monday, 10-01-2018

Mail-In Voting Fraud

Saturday, 07-25-2020

Majoring in Natural Law

Sunday, 02-28-2016

Make Them All the Same!

Thursday, 12-02-2021

Making Amends

Friday, 05-30-2014

Making Good Laws, Then and Now

Monday, 02-18-2019

Making Virtue Superfluous

Monday, 01-25-2021

Many Minds

Sunday, 02-16-2014

Many, Many Steps

Thursday, 04-14-2022

Marvelous Resource

Wednesday, 02-25-2015

Masculinity Isn’t Toxic to Women -- Feminism Is

Monday, 07-18-2022

Math and Morality

Monday, 09-23-2019

Maxim and Momentum

Monday, 07-31-2017

May We Do Wrong to Wrongdoers?

Monday, 08-15-2022

Maybe Not the ONLY One

Sunday, 06-07-2015

Mean Moralists

Monday, 11-28-2016

Meditation on the U.S. Supreme Court

Saturday, 06-27-2015

Men Again

Monday, 03-18-2019


Monday, 03-23-2015

Midweek Query

Thursday, 07-01-2021


Saturday, 01-04-2014


Sunday, 01-04-2015

Misbegotten Males?

Monday, 10-11-2021


Wednesday, 05-06-2015


Monday, 03-21-2016

Modern Sex: The Fusion of Obsession with Indifference

Thursday, 09-23-2021

Monday, 10-29-2018: Good Sins?

Monday, 10-29-2018

Moral Problems, Technological Solutions

Wednesday, 06-10-2015

More Charitable Than You

Monday, 04-03-2023

More New Stuff: A Talk on Marriage

Thursday, 07-12-2018

More Than Long Ago

Saturday, 12-24-2016

Mortification of the Flesh

Monday, 04-27-2015

Motives for Accepting the Chaos at Our Southern Border

Monday, 11-07-2022

Move That Can Six Inches

Sunday, 10-12-2014

Mrs. Clinton and the System

Friday, 08-14-2015


Monday, 02-25-2019

Must All Men Fight in War?

Monday, 05-07-2018

My Brain Made Me Do It

Monday, 10-27-2014

My Favorite Atheist

Friday, 01-02-2015

My Last Election Post

Friday, 01-22-2021

My Woke Professor

Monday, 10-23-2023

Mystery Stories

Sunday, 01-25-2015


Monday, 12-04-2023

Natural Law and Divine Command

Monday, 07-14-2014

Natural Law and Original Sin, Part 1 of 3

Thursday, 03-26-2015

Natural Law and Original Sin, Part 2 of 3

Friday, 03-27-2015

Natural Law and Original Sin, Part 3 of 3

Saturday, 03-28-2015

Natural Law for Lawyers

Friday, 07-26-2019

Natural Penalties

Wednesday, 11-04-2015

Natural Thomists

Saturday, 12-05-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 1 of 8

Thursday, 01-15-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 2 of 8

Friday, 01-16-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 3 of 8

Saturday, 01-17-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 4 of 8

Tuesday, 01-20-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 5 of 8

Wednesday, 01-21-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 6 of 8

Thursday, 01-22-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 7 of 8

Saturday, 01-24-2015

Nature Illuminated, Part 8 of 8

Tuesday, 01-27-2015

Nature in the Key of History

Wednesday, 01-14-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 1 of 7

Tuesday, 03-17-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 2 of 7

Wednesday, 03-18-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 3 of 7

Thursday, 03-19-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 4 of 7

Friday, 03-20-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 5 of 7

Saturday, 03-21-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 6 of 7

Tuesday, 03-24-2015

Nature, For and Against, Part 7 of 7

Wednesday, 03-25-2015

Nebuchadnezzar’s Civil Service

Saturday, 01-16-2016

Nero’s Indictment Updated

Saturday, 02-07-2015

New Stuff

Wednesday, 07-11-2018

New Stuff!

Thursday, 02-25-2021

New Talk on the Architecture of Law

Sunday, 08-22-2021

New Talk: Faith, Natural Law, and the Common Good

Thursday, 02-07-2019

New Talk: What Makes Men Men?

Friday, 02-01-2019

News from the Front

Thursday, 04-14-2016

Newspeak Dictionary

Friday, 08-28-2015

No Such Thing as Virtue?

Monday, 10-16-2023

No World, Just Word Games?

Monday, 02-11-2019

Non-Hierarchical Leadership?

Monday, 07-06-2020

Not Safely Forgotten

Saturday, 09-13-2014

Not so mere Christianity

Saturday, 01-25-2014

Not So Mere Natural Law

Monday, 02-03-2014

Nothing Is Neutral

Tuesday, 02-24-2015

Nothing Mysterious Here

Thursday, 06-19-2014

Novelists as Pimps

Monday, 01-10-2022

Now Is the Time to Be Bold

Thursday, 04-16-2020

Oafishness, Social Class, and Presidential Politics

Sunday, 09-20-2020

Obediential Joy

Thursday, 11-27-2014


Thursday, 06-04-2020

Obviously Written Before Student Surveys

Sunday, 08-10-2014

Occupied Wall Street

Monday, 02-13-2023

Of Acorns and Men

Thursday, 04-30-2015

Off With Their Heads!

Tuesday, 12-20-2016

Old Reliable

Monday, 09-16-2019

On Being Retold

Saturday, 12-20-2014

On Being the Friend of One’s Child

Wednesday, 07-23-2014

On Doing What Comes Naturally

Monday, 11-20-2023

On Getting What One Asks For

Monday, 07-25-2022

On Kicking the Ball Down the Road

Saturday, 08-02-2014

On Living in the Same Universe

Monday, 10-26-2020

On Not Being Jerked Around

Monday, 09-29-2014

On Not Being Too Quick to Smirk

Sunday, 01-18-2015

On Not Letting Facts Get in the Way

Tuesday, 04-14-2015

On Not Tolerating Tolerance

Monday, 10-02-2017

On Refusing Childhood

Sunday, 03-22-2015

On Remembering One’s Blessings

Sunday, 12-20-2015

On Trying to Be Good Without God

Monday, 06-04-2018

Once Saved …

Monday, 09-26-2022

One of the Unfortunate Attractions of Cynicism

Tuesday, 09-30-2014

Only Then

Saturday, 08-16-2014

Only Truth Is Merciful

Monday, 07-29-2019


Thursday, 06-18-2020

Opinions of Dead Men

Wednesday, 04-08-2015

Oppenheimer: Knowledge, Power, and Obsession

Monday, 08-21-2023

Optimism, Pessimism, Neither of the Above?

Monday, 04-09-2018

Orwell, Move Over

Monday, 06-28-2021

Our (Non) Racist and (Non) Sexist Constitution

Tuesday, 06-30-2020


Monday, 05-17-2021


Monday, 03-06-2023

Pagan Beauty, Biblical Brutality?

Monday, 06-29-2020


Saturday, 02-27-2016

Paradoxical Beauty

Monday, 09-25-2023

Paradoxical Dignity

Thursday, 05-07-2015

Parody: Cardinal-Designate Hopes for Dialogue with President-Presumptive

Monday, 11-30-2020

Parts and Wholes (Part 1 of 2)

Tuesday, 11-25-2014

Parts and Wholes (Part 2 of 2)

Wednesday, 11-26-2014


Sunday, 01-31-2016


Tuesday, 04-23-2024

Paul Johnson on Our New Mentors

Saturday, 07-05-2014

Pay Me Before I Rob Again

Thursday, 02-11-2016

Peter Rabbit

Monday, 03-07-2016

Peter Singer on Animal Farm

Wednesday, 08-20-2014

Pining for Mordor

Saturday, 02-28-2015

Pints with Aquinas

Monday, 04-11-2022

Pitch for Switch Hits Glitch

Monday, 10-19-2015

Plague Vector

Wednesday, 03-09-2016

Playfulness as a Virtue

Sunday, 11-29-2015

Points of No Return

Monday, 06-30-2014


Monday, 05-21-2018

Police Theatre

Monday, 05-01-2017

Political Partying

Monday, 02-19-2018

Politics and Language, Revisited

Monday, 01-16-2023

Politics in the Pulpit

Monday, 08-05-2019


Thursday, 07-31-2014

Postscript to "Blaming the Victim"

Wednesday, 12-03-2014

Praeambula amicitiae cum natura

Monday, 10-21-2013

Pragmatism, Truth, and Power

Thursday, 07-03-2014


Monday, 08-20-2018

Presumptive Liberty of Conscience

Monday, 08-11-2014


Thursday, 02-04-2016


Sunday, 04-24-2016

Pretty Good Retort to Descartes

Wednesday, 09-03-2014

Private Service and Public Selfishness

Friday, 04-24-2015


Thursday, 12-25-2014

Procreation Does Not Mean Reproduction

Monday, 08-14-2017

Professor Pagan

Monday, 01-19-2015

Proving Natural Law

Monday, 06-08-2015

Public and Private Vices

Sunday, 09-21-2014

Public Worship, Public Error, and Indifference

Monday, 06-18-2018

Punishing Singles

Friday, 11-13-2015

Purity of Gaze

Saturday, 07-19-2014

Put Them to Work

Monday, 05-24-2021

Putting a Burr under His Saddle

Monday, 01-11-2016

Putting Bugs in the Ear of the King

Monday, 10-24-2016

Question for Grad Students

Friday, 08-29-2014

Questioning the Questions

Monday, 05-27-2024

Racism Everywhere

Monday, 07-28-2014

Racism, Left and Right

Saturday, 11-21-2015

Raised by the Matrix

Monday, 05-09-2022

Re-Opening the Schools

Saturday, 07-11-2020


Monday, 10-14-2019

Reading an Empty Book

Sunday, 03-24-2019

Reading and Writing

Monday, 11-30-2015

Reading the Omens

Monday, 05-28-2018

Reading Well

Monday, 07-10-2017

Real and Imaginary Good

Wednesday, 08-13-2014

Reasoning Badly and Reasoning Well

Monday, 03-28-2016

Reasons for Relativism

Monday, 02-12-2018

Recent History

Saturday, 01-23-2016


Tuesday, 09-09-2014

Remarks to the GIIP

Monday, 04-07-2014

Remember the Children

Wednesday, 07-01-2015


Sunday, 01-10-2016

Repressive Tolerance Theory Rides Again

Thursday, 08-20-2020


Thursday, 08-24-2017

Resisting Tyrannical Governments

Thursday, 02-25-2016


Tuesday, 01-01-2019

Responses to “Sympathy for Stanford”

Thursday, 01-12-2023


Tuesday, 09-16-2014

Revelation – Says Who?

Monday, 11-27-2017

Reviewing the Reviews

Thursday, 10-08-2015

Revisionists, and why I’m not one of them

Monday, 12-30-2013

Revisiting “Because”

Tuesday, 12-29-2015

Rioting and the Paradox of the Heap

Tuesday, 08-04-2020

Rule of Law

Monday, 01-27-2020

Rules and Virtues

Wednesday, 11-19-2014

Rules and Virtues in Ethics

Monday, 08-03-2020

Safe Spaces

Monday, 07-20-2020

Same Diff

Thursday, 12-31-2015

Saying No

Wednesday, 07-27-2016

Scholarship as a Calling

Sunday, 10-25-2015

Scrubbing Memory

Monday, 01-22-2018

Secularism and its Children

Sunday, 10-27-2013

Seduction and Consent

Monday, 01-07-2019

Selective Bewilderment

Thursday, 10-14-2021


Monday, 03-11-2019

Set Theory

Sunday, 01-24-2016

Sex and Logical Reasoning: Difficult but Not Impossible

Monday, 11-04-2019

Shaggy Dogs and Historians

Sunday, 12-21-2014


Saturday, 04-27-2024

Shaving with Ockham’s Razor

Monday, 10-25-2021

Should A Man's Reach Really Exceed His Grasp?

Monday, 07-02-2018

Should Government Get Out of the Marriage Business?

Monday, 12-19-2022

Should I Pretend to Be Grateful?

Monday, 08-03-2015

Should We Have a Confessional State?

Monday, 06-01-2015


Friday, 03-13-2020

Sins of Commission

Tuesday, 06-09-2015

Sins of the Fathers

Monday, 12-14-2015

Slaves and Masters

Monday, 12-03-2018


Sunday, 04-17-2016

Smaller Is Usually More Beautiful, But Not Always

Monday, 02-28-2022

So Am I a Marxist?

Thursday, 05-22-2014

So Called Evolutionary Ethics

Monday, 11-13-2017

So Called Self-Ownership

Monday, 12-12-2022

So Full of Saints

Friday, 12-11-2015

So Full of Sleep

Tuesday, 09-02-2014

So Long as It Shall Be Cool for Us Both

Monday, 09-04-2023

So Long as the Despots Are Our Despots, Is Everything Fine?

Monday, 08-23-2021

So Many Things

Monday, 02-06-2017

So What Is the Problem with Usury?

Sunday, 03-27-2022

So You Want to Be a Scholar

Monday, 08-22-2022

So-Called Autonomy

Friday, 08-15-2014

So-Called Replacement Theory

Monday, 07-11-2022

Social Justice

Tuesday, 04-12-2016

Some Crazy Ideas Are Deadly Serious (beginning only)

Tuesday, 03-28-2023

Some of the Nicest People

Friday, 01-09-2015

Something I Used to Think False

Sunday, 09-28-2014

Song of the Thomists

Monday, 10-08-2018

Sorrow According to God

Sunday, 03-15-2015

Spanking -- A Grain of Salt

Monday, 04-15-2024


Friday, 01-22-2016

Spilled Eschatology

Thursday, 02-19-2015

Spoiler Alert

Monday, 01-16-2017

Spontaneous Homicide

Monday, 10-07-2019

St. Thomas and the Happiness Gurus

Monday, 03-12-2018

Standish Wanhope

Monday, 12-16-2013

Statists Do Not Always Know That They Are Statists

Wednesday, 08-06-2014

Still Small Voice

Friday, 03-06-2015

Stop the Press: Blog Gets Facelift

Sunday, 08-31-2014

Strange Brew

Wednesday, 11-11-2015

Straw Men and Other Silly Arguments

Saturday, 04-25-2015

Student Surveys, Revisited

Monday, 08-25-2014

Suspending Moral Judgment

Monday, 02-29-2016


Monday, 07-10-2023


Friday, 03-04-2016

Swinburne on the Rationality of Religious Belief

Sunday, 10-19-2014

Sympathy for Stanford

Monday, 01-09-2023

Systematic Racism

Monday, 07-13-2020

Tabula Rasa?

Monday, 11-13-2023

Take That, Natural Law Man

Friday, 08-01-2014

Teacher Burnout

Saturday, 11-14-2015

Teaching Children

Friday, 02-12-2016

Teaching Professional Ethics

Monday, 02-01-2021

Telling the Truth and Shooting Straight

Friday, 09-12-2014

Tenderness Detached from the Source of Tenderness

Sunday, 07-13-2014

Thanks for Telling Me

Wednesday, 09-18-2019

Thanks, But No Thanks

Monday, 01-05-2015


Thursday, 11-26-2015

That Makes Everything Okay

Thursday, 04-09-2015

That Mourns in Exile Here

Monday, 12-21-2015

That's Not What the Common Good Means

Monday, 04-04-2022

The Academic Witness

Monday, 09-18-2017

The Aim of the World

Tuesday, 08-26-2014

The Anti-Capitalist Class

Friday, 10-23-2015

The Apple and the Worm

Monday, 05-04-2015

The Argument to a First Principle of Order

Monday, 12-30-2019

The Arrow, the Archer, and the Target

Sunday, 11-08-2015

The Astonishing Popularity of Bad Rules of Life

Sunday, 10-27-2019

The Authenticity of It All

Friday, 03-11-2016

The Bare Minimum

Monday, 04-27-2020

The Basic Good of Religion (So Called)

Saturday, 08-30-2014

The Beautiful Conversion

Monday, 12-24-2018

The Beginning of the End of a Way of Life

Monday, 06-27-2022

The Biggest Difference Between the Two Parties

Wednesday, 10-14-2015

The Birds, the Bees, and the Gorillas

Tuesday, 03-29-2016

The Blade, the Ear, and the Corn

Sunday, 04-09-2017

The Branding of John Stuart Mill

Monday, 10-16-2017

The Chemistry of Justin Bieber

Monday, 09-22-2014

The Church and Public Policy

Friday, 01-30-2015

The collapse of the universities

Thursday, 01-16-2014

The Common Good with Condiments

Thursday, 04-08-2021

The Consequences of Consequentialism

Monday, 02-08-2016

The Constitutional Meaning of Faith

Wednesday, 03-11-2015

The Cruise

Saturday, 03-26-2016

The Cult of the Expert

Wednesday, 02-11-2015

The Decent Folk Paradox

Wednesday, 01-28-2015

The Decline of the Story

Saturday, 11-28-2015

The Difference Between a Conservative and a Progressive

Wednesday, 02-17-2021

The Difference Between a Conservative and a Progressive, Revisited

Friday, 02-19-2021

The Docile and the Non-Docile

Thursday, 03-18-2021

The Eclipse and Reappearance of St. Thomas Aquinas

Tuesday, 01-19-2016

The Elephant in the Judicial Chambers

Monday, 07-26-2021

The Empire of Mood over Mind

Monday, 09-11-2017

The End of Ideology?

Thursday, 01-08-2015

The End of the Rule of Law

Thursday, 07-17-2014

The Fat Lady Hasn’t Sung

Monday, 09-06-2021

The Feminine Form of Misogyny

Monday, 04-15-2019

The Fitting

Monday, 09-28-2015

The Flavors of the Common Good

Saturday, 02-27-2021

The Flocking Behavior of Journalists

Monday, 05-19-2014

The Fog of, Um, War

Monday, 03-18-2024

The Four Big Ones

Monday, 03-20-2023

The Future of the Life of the Mind

Tuesday, 01-26-2016

The Future of the Life of the Mind (2)

Monday, 02-01-2016

The Genetic Basis for Sacrifice

Monday, 11-01-2021

The Georgia Runoff

Tuesday, 01-05-2021

The God of the Gaps

Monday, 11-11-2019

The Good Libertarian

Monday, 10-09-2017

The Good Old Days?

Monday, 10-15-2018

The Grackle Syndrome

Wednesday, 04-30-2014

The Grammar of Dissent

Saturday, 08-15-2015

The Hamburger Helper of Regime Design (Part 1 of 2)

Friday, 11-21-2014

The Hamburger Helper of Regime Design (Part 2 of 2)

Saturday, 11-22-2014

The Hardest Addiction of All

Sunday, 03-13-2016

The Healing of Broken ... Links

Friday, 10-13-2017

The Heap Theory of Human Personhood

Monday, 12-14-2020

The Impudent Particle

Sunday, 11-30-2014

The Incoherency of Materialism

Monday, 04-22-2024

The Infant’s Voice

Sunday, 12-25-2016

The Intelligentsia’s Syllogism

Wednesday, 07-16-2014

The Ironic Pose

Monday, 08-13-2018

The Islamic Crisis of Reason

Monday, 06-12-2017

The ITC Statement on Natural Law

Thursday, 06-26-2014

The Key to Happiness: First Thoughts Interview

Friday, 06-03-2022

The Last Days of the Republic: A Screenplay

Monday, 12-18-2017

The Law of the Harvest

Monday, 06-16-2014

The Leffian Quagmire -- and Others

Monday, 11-03-2014

The Lessons of Disgust

Saturday, 08-22-2015

The Limits of Fixing Ourselves

Tuesday, 12-08-2015

The Low in the Service of the Lovely

Friday, 02-19-2016

The Merit of Understatement

Wednesday, 03-23-2016

The Moon Is Made of Cheese

Monday, 07-01-2024

The Moral Case for Manners

Tuesday, 12-15-2015

The Most Idiotic Statement by a Cardinal This Month

Thursday, 10-07-2021

The Multiverse Argument

Monday, 11-25-2019

The New Approach to Reproductive Ethics: Making It Up

Monday, 07-03-2017

The New Confessional State

Monday, 09-04-2017

The New Evangelization and the Old Excuse

Sunday, 08-16-2015

The New KKK

Monday, 06-21-2021

The New Marriage and its Consequences

Wednesday, 10-28-2015

The New Original Sin

Saturday, 12-27-2014

The Newest Dark Age

Monday, 06-20-2022

The Next Burning

Monday, 02-12-2024

The Not So Neo Pagans

Sunday, 11-01-2015

The Object of a New Year

Friday, 01-01-2021

The Object of Uttermost Longing

Monday, 12-12-2016

The Old Gods, the New Gods, and God

Monday, 06-15-2020

The Old Is-Ought Thing

Monday, 09-18-2023

The Old, Middle, and New Liberalism

Monday, 05-27-2019

The Other Face of Child Neglect

Monday, 10-24-2022

The Other Thing the Sexuality Debate Is About

Saturday, 06-06-2015

The Paradox of Justice Scalia

Tuesday, 02-16-2016

The Path of the Skeptic

Monday, 05-11-2020

The Perfect Liberal

Saturday, 07-12-2014

The Permanent Advantages of Good and Evil

Thursday, 04-23-2015

The Philosophical Effects of Broken Homes

Monday, 07-01-2019

The Politics of Demographic Manipulation

Monday, 05-06-2024

The Politics of Poverty

Thursday, 08-07-2014

The Problem with Changing All the Names

Friday, 03-18-2016

The Problem with Liberalism – And Conservatism

Monday, 04-24-2017

The Prolongation of Adolescence

Tuesday, 02-17-2015

The Puzzle of Exceptionless Rules

Monday, 08-10-2020

The Real Conversation Stopper

Friday, 07-10-2015

The Real Problem with the Superrich

Sunday, 10-01-2023

The Rehabilitation of Brian Williams

Saturday, 07-04-2015

The Relativism of Judge Posner (Part 1 of 2)

Monday, 10-20-2014

The Relativism of Judge Posner (Part 2 of 2)

Tuesday, 10-21-2014

The rest of the witnesses

Monday, 01-06-2014

The Revenge of Conscience

Sunday, 09-07-2014

The Revenge of Conscience Is Now an Ebook

Thursday, 01-12-2017

The Right Side of History

Saturday, 07-25-2015

The Right Time for Children

Thursday, 09-25-2014

The Right Way to Get Angry with God

Thursday, 10-15-2015

The Right Way to View Love of God and Neighbor

Saturday, 11-15-2014

The Right Way to View Not Using a Person as a Means

Friday, 11-14-2014

The Right Way to View the Golden Rule

Thursday, 11-13-2014

The Sabbath and Natural Law

Monday, 04-20-2015

The Sacrifice that Didn’t Happen

Monday, 05-08-2017

The Scientific Basis of Transgenderism

Thursday, 08-12-2021

The Secret of Liberal Guilt?

Monday, 10-18-2021

The Self-Esteem Movement’s New Mascot

Thursday, 09-30-2021

The Sexual Revolution in One Lesson

Wednesday, 04-17-2019

The Sign of Jonah

Tuesday, 04-26-2016

The Sins of the Fathers (and Their Virtues)

Thursday, 03-07-2019

The Skeptic as Penelope

Monday, 12-23-2013

The Smallest Worm Will Turn

Friday, 04-22-2016

The Smartest Virus in History

Thursday, 07-02-2020

The So-Called Dating Apocalypse

Wednesday, 09-23-2015

The So-Called State of Nature

Monday, 11-10-2014

The Sociopathy of Government

Monday, 09-27-2021

The Solum Statutum Fallacy

Thursday, 10-30-2014

The Spectrum of Journalistic Bias

Monday, 05-25-2020

The Spin on the Bullet

Saturday, 07-13-2024

The Staircase of Lies

Wednesday, 04-22-2015

The State of Lincoln’s Soul

Monday, 02-27-2023

The State of the Controversy (in a Very Long View)

Sunday, 12-27-2015

The Story So Far

Saturday, 05-17-2014

The Student's Contract

Thursday, 01-23-2020

The Supreme Court, Religion, and Morality

Friday, 05-15-2015

The Teacher’s Pledge

Monday, 01-20-2020

The Technocratic Fallacy of False Precision

Monday, 12-27-2021

The Ten and the Seven

Thursday, 03-31-2016

The Test of Humor

Sunday, 08-03-2014

The Thought That Stops Thought

Monday, 09-01-2014

The Threshold of Judgment

Tuesday, 02-23-2016

The Tower of Babel

Friday, 02-06-2015

The Treatment of Wounds

Wednesday, 04-20-2016

The True Commencement of Our Life

Friday, 12-25-2020

The Turning of the Gyre

Monday, 12-17-2018

The Ultimate Roots of Justice

Thursday, 11-19-2015

The Unhappy Man

Thursday, 06-11-2020

The Use and Abuse of Brain Science

Monday, 01-22-2024

The Uses of Error

Friday, 10-03-2014

The War Against the Sexes

Friday, 01-01-2016

The Warrior's Teacher

Wednesday, 09-10-2014

The World Is Not a Village

Monday, 04-26-2021

The Wrong Way to Believe a Proposition

Friday, 09-05-2014

The Wrong Way to Wake Up

Thursday, 06-04-2015

The “Uselessness” of the Liberal Arts

Monday, 09-19-2022

Then Are All Good Men Good Statesmen?

Saturday, 08-25-2018

Then Would You Change Your Mind?

Tuesday, 12-23-2014


Monday, 02-22-2016

Theory of Laughter

Tuesday, 12-01-2015

There Are No Good Riots

Thursday, 01-07-2021

There Is No Need for All Robots to Be White

Friday, 07-17-2020

There Is No Such Thing as Liberty in General

Thursday, 09-17-2015

There Is Nothing Else

Monday, 01-01-2024

These Chocolates but Not Those

Friday, 04-15-2016

These Days She Would Have Said Cool

Thursday, 12-10-2015

They Couldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True

Monday, 09-20-2021

Thick Descriptions, Thin Skins

Monday, 02-15-2016

Things I Had to Learn

Monday, 05-08-2023

Things That Ought to Be Obvious, Nos. MCCCLIX-MCCCLXI

Saturday, 12-12-2015

This Exceeds 140 Characters

Saturday, 03-19-2016

This Time Will Not Be the Same (part 1 of 2)

Thursday, 02-27-2014

This Time Will Not Be the Same (part 2 of 2)

Sunday, 03-02-2014

Thomas Aquinas on Immigration

Monday, 06-10-2024

Thomas Aquinas on Why Easter Had to Happen

Sunday, 04-09-2023

Thomas Aquinas’s Virtue Ethics

Monday, 03-20-2017

Three and a Half Minutes on the Study of Self-Deception

Thursday, 07-20-2023

Three Bad Eggs

Monday, 02-05-2024

Three Kinds of Doubt

Friday, 09-19-2014

Three Patterns of Rule

Monday, 11-02-2020

Three Vices about Difficult Things

Sunday, 09-13-2015

Thus Did He Enter

Monday, 12-25-2023

Tired of Getting Stupid

Monday, 12-07-2015

To Believe

Saturday, 12-26-2015

To Learn How the Truth of Things Stands

Thursday, 03-03-2016

To Lose God Is to Lose Man

Monday, 09-08-2014

To Mask or Not to Mask

Monday, 09-28-2020

Told You So

Monday, 01-04-2021

Too Much Virtue Signaling, Not Enough Virtue

Monday, 08-06-2018

Tradition vs. Traditionalism

Friday, 10-17-2014


Thursday, 10-01-2015

Tread the Razor

Thursday, 11-20-2014

Treats! Treats!

Monday, 08-15-2016

Treats! Treats! Revisited

Monday, 12-21-2020


Monday, 01-04-2016


Tuesday, 01-05-2016

Trusting in Princes

Monday, 01-02-2017

Truth and Correspondence (Part 1 of 2)

Tuesday, 11-11-2014

Truth and Correspondence (Part 2 of 2)

Wednesday, 11-12-2014

Truth Is Not an Imposition

Saturday, 09-19-2015

Trying to be Perfect and Failing

Monday, 09-21-2015

Trying to Feel Better

Tuesday, 06-30-2015

Trying to Shame the Shameless

Monday, 12-11-2017

Turtles All the Way Down?

Wednesday, 04-06-2016

Twitter Exegesis

Friday, 04-01-2016

Two Can Play That Game

Monday, 10-21-2019

Two Libertarianisms

Monday, 08-24-2015

Two Little Announcements about Happiness

Thursday, 02-10-2022

Two Modest Prayers for the Polity

Saturday, 12-19-2015

Two Things You Will Never See

Friday, 10-24-2014

Two Ways to Take Human Nature Seriously

Monday, 11-06-2017

Two Ways to Think About Babel

Friday, 10-30-2015

Two Wrongs

Monday, 07-05-2021

Tyrants, Friends, and Sycophants

Saturday, 04-02-2016

Undermen and Overmen

Monday, 06-15-2015

Universal Higher Education -- Just a Thought

Thursday, 11-04-2021

Universities as Money Launderers

Thursday, 08-28-2014

Upper Crust Racism

Sunday, 02-21-2021

Upstairs Morality

Wednesday, 12-17-2014

Utrum or Ultrum?

Wednesday, 03-13-2019

Varieties of Shame

Thursday, 08-30-2018

Vice Is Unnatural

Monday, 08-02-2021

Virtual Jurisprudence

Monday, 08-28-2023

Virtues Are in Persons, Not Propositions

Sunday, 11-20-2022

Visible and Invisible

Friday, 12-19-2014


Sunday, 11-09-2014

Visiting Oxford

Saturday, 03-09-2019

Wagon Train

Wednesday, 02-10-2016

Wait For It

Sunday, 12-07-2014


Monday, 12-02-2013

Waiting to Fall

Saturday, 04-16-2016

Was Lincoln Woke?

Monday, 06-06-2022

Was St. Paul a Southerner?

Sunday, 03-01-2015

Was the American Founding All Wrong?

Monday, 08-14-2023

Washington Post Reports Hitler's Death, 1945

Monday, 10-28-2019

We Have Crossed the Line

Tuesday, 12-09-2014

We Interrupt This Program

Monday, 12-08-2014

Welders and Philosophers

Monday, 11-16-2015

Well, They Asked Me: Protestant-Catholic Disagreements

Monday, 12-13-2021

Were They Snowflakes, or Situationalists?

Monday, 01-23-2023

Western Rite

Monday, 04-22-2019

We’re Looking for a Few Good Readers

Wednesday, 05-27-2015

What Can I Do? I’m in Love

Tuesday, 03-31-2015

What Canceling Is

Thursday, 04-28-2022

What Catholic Social Doctrine Isn’t

Monday, 01-18-2021

What Comes Next?

Monday, 08-31-2020

What Conscience Isn’t

Friday, 03-13-2015

What Do We Really Know about Right and Wrong?

Thursday, 06-28-2018

What Do You Mean, The Election Was Crooked (or Wasn’t)?

Monday, 09-11-2023

What Feminism Has Achieved for Women

Saturday, 04-11-2015

What If Our Nature Had Been Different?

Tuesday, 03-18-2014

What If We Changed Our Nature?

Monday, 03-24-2014

What If? What If? Why Shouldn’t?

Friday, 03-07-2014

What Is a Common Good?

Monday, 06-10-2019

What Is a Fanatic?

Friday, 12-18-2015

What Is a Person?

Thursday, 07-10-2014

What Is Socialism? What Is Communism?

Monday, 10-05-2020

What Is This Longing For?

Monday, 07-04-2022

What Is this NNL Whereof You Speak?

Monday, 03-09-2015

What Is This Nominalism Whereof I Am Warned?

Monday, 09-07-2020

What it Really Means to Be Great

Monday, 01-09-2017

What I’ve Learned about Blogging (1)

Wednesday, 01-27-2016

What I’ve Learned about Blogging (2)

Thursday, 01-28-2016

What Killing Has Done to the Living

Monday, 06-03-2024

What Kind of Progress Does Progressivism Want?

Monday, 03-23-2020

What Maketh an Exact Twelve Year Old

Monday, 04-25-2016

What Mind Can Grasp It?

Wednesday, 12-25-2019

What Obergefell Isn’t

Monday, 02-10-2020

What Philosophy Is For

Sunday, 08-31-2014

What saves Mere Christianity

Tuesday, 01-28-2014

What Self-Deception Is and Isn’t

Friday, 02-20-2015

What Should We Make of Integralism?

Monday, 08-24-2020

What the Chinese Room Argument Does and Does Not Prove

Saturday, 11-01-2014

What the Galileo Story Really Tells Us

Thursday, 08-13-2020

What the Lost Have Lost, and What They Haven't

Tuesday, 11-18-2014

What the Song Is to the Bird

Wednesday, 10-22-2014

What the Twentieth Century Taught Totalitarians

Tuesday, 03-10-2015

What to Do about CRT

Tuesday, 02-22-2022

What to Do While Trying Not to Overload the Camel

Monday, 06-03-2019

What We Are For

Sunday, 02-22-2015

What We Can Do, Even When It Seems There Is Nothing We Can Do

Monday, 12-15-2014

What We Have Read of in Books

Saturday, 03-12-2016

What We Teach When We Don't Teach

Wednesday, 11-05-2014

What Words Mean

Wednesday, 11-02-2016

What Would the Argument Be?

Thursday, 11-06-2014

What Your Recommenders Need to Know

Wednesday, 02-03-2016

What? They Disagree?

Monday, 12-28-2015

Whatever Works

Saturday, 07-18-2015

What’s Happenin’ Now

Monday, 06-26-2023

What’s the Good News?

Tuesday, 11-17-2015

What’s Up with Conscience?

Monday, 08-12-2019

What’s wrong with universities?

Monday, 01-13-2014

When Is a Fallacy Not a Fallacy?

Thursday, 12-09-2021

When Is It Tyranny? When Do We Say No?

Friday, 05-08-2020

When to Stop Talking

Saturday, 02-20-2016

When to Take Sides – And When Not

Tuesday, 02-10-2015

Where Do Rights Come From?

Monday, 09-02-2019

Where Is Justice in Natural Law?

Monday, 11-27-2023

Where the Action Is

Saturday, 10-17-2015

Where Will They Go?

Wednesday, 01-20-2021

Wherefore Resolutions

Sunday, 01-01-2023

Wherein Humility Does Not Consist

Friday, 10-10-2014

Whether All Roads Lead to Rome

Sunday, 02-08-2015

Which Diversity Matters (If Any)?

Tuesday, 01-12-2016

Which Is Strongest?

Wednesday, 09-17-2014

Which Is Worse?

Monday, 09-17-2018

Which Side Guessed Better?

Wednesday, 12-10-2014

Whistling Past the Graveyard

Monday, 06-19-2017

Whither Populism?

Monday, 02-17-2020

Who Gets to Consent in Consensual Reality?

Thursday, 09-18-2014

Who Is Like Whom?

Monday, 01-06-2020

Who is to say?

Monday, 05-13-2019

Who Knows Whether That’s a Baby?

Monday, 06-24-2024

Who, Me?

Thursday, 02-18-2016

Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad

Monday, 12-09-2019

Why a Progressive Technocracy Would Be the Cruelest Technocracy

Thursday, 09-04-2014

Why Are Intellectuals Such Conformists?

Sunday, 05-04-2014

Why Calls for Free Speech Get So Little Traction

Monday, 11-26-2018

Why Can't Johnnie's Teachers Reason Either?

Thursday, 04-16-2015

Why Can’t Johnnie Reason?

Friday, 04-03-2015

Why Courts Get Away with Balancing Tests

Saturday, 09-27-2014

Why Do We Always Hit a Wall?

Monday, 09-12-2022

Why Does the Regulator Regulate?

Friday, 06-05-2015

Why Doesn’t God Make Decisions Easier?

Monday, 11-18-2019

Why Don’t You Call Me?

Tuesday, 02-02-2021

Why Don’t You Call Me?

Thursday, 09-02-2021

Why Drag God into Natural Law?

Monday, 06-22-2015

Why Everything Is Racist Now

Monday, 08-09-2021

Why I Can’t Talk about Integralism

Sunday, 12-09-2018

Why I Don't Trust Narrative Theology

Saturday, 10-04-2014

Why I Think Our Form of Social Order Can’t Last Much Longer

Monday, 07-17-2023

Why I Think Pope Francis Should Rethink How He Talks to the Culture

Wednesday, 05-20-2015

Why Intellectuals Lean Left

Monday, 05-12-2014

Why Is It So Easy?

Monday, 05-11-2015

Why Is There Something, and Not Rather Nothing?

Wednesday, 06-03-2015

Why It’s Becoming Harder to Teach

Monday, 03-15-2021

Why Liberal Protestantism Is Dead

Wednesday, 07-30-2014

Why Liberalism Is Illiberal (part 1 of 2 -- for part 2, scroll up)

Thursday, 02-20-2014

Why Liberalism Is Illiberal (part 2 of 2 -- for part 1, scroll down)

Sunday, 02-23-2014

Why Marx Was Wrong

Monday, 05-26-2014

Why Must You Bring Up That Subject?

Saturday, 02-21-2015

Why NOT Persecute?

Monday, 10-10-2022

Why Only Human Beings Laugh

Sunday, 02-15-2015

Why Should We Obey the Natural Law?

Wednesday, 11-25-2015

Why Shouldn’t We Transcend Our Nature?

Monday, 03-31-2014

Why Tales Call Apples Golden

Sunday, 03-20-2016

Why the Government Insists on the HHS Mandate

Tuesday, 07-15-2014

Why the Nazi Analogy is Overused

Thursday, 10-28-2021

Why the President Should Not Be Called a Coward

Friday, 08-27-2021

Why They Sputter Nonsense about Afghanistan

Saturday, 08-21-2021

Why We Converted

Monday, 10-17-2016

Why We Should Love the University of Salamanca

Monday, 08-18-2014

Why We Should Think More Critically About So-Called Critical Thinking

Wednesday, 10-01-2014

Will Eating Pistachio Ice Cream Make You Sublimely Happy?

Wednesday, 03-23-2022

Will MAD Come Back?

Monday, 05-04-2020

William Hazlitt on the Power of Dreadful but Rivetting Ideas

Wednesday, 07-09-2014


Thursday, 01-07-2016

Worst Therapeutic Motto of the Year

Thursday, 08-06-2020

Would Dropping This Class Be Faithless?

Monday, 01-08-2018

Would God Make Me Give Up My Calling?

Monday, 02-23-2015

Would We Have Known Him at His Birth?

Monday, 12-25-2017

Would You Like to Swing on a Star?

Monday, 02-26-2018

Wouldn’t That Be Interesting?

Thursday, 08-27-2020

Writer's Block: Its Causes and Cures

Monday, 08-07-2023

Yes, It Is Still Possible to Teach

Wednesday, 02-18-2015

Yo, She’s Pregnant

Monday, 03-02-2015

You Can’t Get Something from Nothing

Friday, 09-25-2015

You Know Who You Are

Friday, 02-13-2015

You Mean It’s Supposed to Mean Something?

Monday, 07-27-2015

You Read it Here First

Tuesday, 04-21-2015

“I Can’t Help How I Feel”

Tuesday, 12-08-2015

“If I Were a Nightingale”

Wednesday, 12-30-2015

“It Doesn’t Hurt Anyone”

Monday, 04-06-2015

“Mere” Christianity – Which One?

Monday, 12-31-2018

“That’s Just Your Subjective Opinion”

Monday, 10-17-2022

“The Dogma Lives Loudly Within You”

Monday, 10-12-2020

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 1 of 14

Thursday, 06-11-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 10 of 14

Thursday, 08-13-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 11 of 14

Thursday, 08-20-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 12 of 14

Wednesday, 08-26-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 13 of 14

Thursday, 09-03-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 14 of 14

Thursday, 09-10-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 2 of 14

Thursday, 06-18-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 4 of 14

Thursday, 07-02-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 5 of 14

Wednesday, 07-08-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 6 of 14

Thursday, 07-16-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 7 of 14

Thursday, 07-23-2015

“The Same as to Knowledge,” Part 9 of 14

Thursday, 08-06-2015

“We Consider Ourselves Married”

Monday, 06-11-2018

“What Cancel Culture? Nobody Has Tried to Cancel ME”

Monday, 03-14-2022

“Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?” II

Monday, 06-19-2023

“You Must Write a Thriller!”

Saturday, 02-13-2016

… and Lying for Death

Friday, 07-31-2015