Some omitted; discussantships follow
“Of Course Human Law Develops: Can Natural and Divine Law Develop?” Symposium on “Aquinas on the Development of Law,” Aquinas Institute, held at the Blackfriars, Oxford University, Oxford, England, March, 2019.
“Faith, Natural Law, and the Common Good.” Conference on “Christianity and the Common Good,” Dominican House of Studies, held at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
“Thomas Aquinas on Marriage, Fruitfulness, and Faithful Love.” Symposium on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, sponsored by Catholic University of America and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C., February, 2018.
“Response to the Panelists.” Remarks delivered at the panel “Contemporary Thomist: J. Budziszewski and Nature’s Law,” Annual Meeting, Society of Catholic Social Scientists, October, 2016.
"Vicious Circles, Virtuous Circles, and Getting from One to the Other." Conference, "The Summons of Freedom: Virtue, Sacrifice, and the Common Good," Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame University, 2009.
"Incarnate, Enculturated: How We and Niebuhr Miss the Point about Christ and Culture." Symposium, “Reinhold Niebuhr's Christ and Culture,” Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, 2009.
"To Lose God Is to Lose Man: What "Public Reason" Can Learn from Public Faith." Panel, "John Paul II and Liberal Modernity," Society of Catholic Social Scientists, meeting concurrently with the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2009.
"Constitutional Metaphysics." Conference, "Natural Rights, Constitutionalism, and the Law," Tocqueville Forum, Georgetown University, 2007.
"True Tolerance and the Failure of Liberal Neutrality." Annual Meeting, Evangelical Theological Society, meeting concurrently with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Washington, D.C., 2006.
"The Illiberality of Liberalism." Conference, "Toleration and Truth: The Impact of Liberal Society on Religion," Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006.
"The Illusion of Gay Marriage" Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, meeting concurrently with the Evangelical Philosophical Society, San Antonio, Texas, 2004.
"How a Constitution May Undermine Constitutionalism." Conference, "Authority after Authoritarianism," Intercultural Forum for Studies in Faith and Culture, Washington, D.C., 2004.
"The Natural, the Connatural, and the Unnatural" (long version). Ninth Thomisic Institute, "St. Thomas and the Natural Law," Jacques Maritain Center, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2004.
"The Natural, the Connatural, and the Unnatural" (short version). Conference, "Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law," Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2004.
"Breaking Silence: Faith-Based Scholarship and Academic Freedom." Conference, "Free Speech: Academic Freedom and Religious Expression," Faculty Forum, Berkeley, California, 2003.
"Evangelical Minds in Politics: The Problem and the State of the Response." Conference, "Evangelicals in Civil Life," Ethics and Public Policy Center, Prouts Neck, Maine, 2003.
"Thou Shalt Not Kill ... Whom? The Meaning of the Person." Panel on personhood, Catholic Social Science Association, meeting concurrently with the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, 2002.
"The Moral Significance of Law." Conference on reparative justice, Justice Fellowship, Orlando, Florida, 2002.
"Categorical Pardon: On the Argument for Abolishing Capital Punishment." Conference, "A Call for Reckoning: Religion and the Death Penalty," University of Chicago Divinity School, 2002.
"The Roots of Law: Principles for Discourse in the Public Square." Conference, "The Christian Mind in the New Millennium," Wilberforce Forum, Chicago, Illinois, 2001.
"Is the Neutralist View of Toleration a Trojan Horse?" Conference, "Christianity and Toleration," Center for Christian Ethics, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 2001.
"The Academic Witness." Conference, "God and the Academy," University of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, 2000.
"Disputed Questions: Contemporary Controversies Concerning Aquinas." 20th Year Jubilee Conference, Medieval and Renaissance Department, New York University, 1999.
"Playing Dumb: The Natural Consequences of Disregarding the Natural Law." Conference, "Crime and Punishment," Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1999.
"Blowing at Smoke, Connecting the Dots." Conference, “Christianity in the Academy,” University of Memphis, 1999.
"Natural Law and Tolerance." Conference "Contemporary Perspectives in Natural Law," sponsored by the Thomas More Society, McGill University, 1999.
"Denying What We Can't Not Know." Conference, American Maritain Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1998.
"The Case for Natural Law." Symposium on J. Budziszewski’s Written on the Heart: The Case for Natural Law, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C., 1997.
"Written on the Heart." Crossroads Conference on Christian Faith and Public Policy, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, 1996.
"The Pincovian Persuasion: Six Problems in Virtue Ethics." Conference, The Future of Virtue Ethics: Its Political Relevance, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1990.
“Why We Are So Bad, And What We Can Do About It: The State and Civic Virtue." Annual Meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Region VIII, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1990.
"Civic Virtue and the Derangement of Politics." Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, 1990.
"How to Be an Honest Secularist." Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts, 1998.
"'The Greatest of All Reflections': How Well the Constitution Copes With Passion, Interest, and Virtue." Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1987.
"Virtue, Liberal and Illiberal." Conference Group on Political Economy, meeting concurrently with the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 1986.
"A Vindication of the Politics of Virtues." Conference Group on Political Economy, meeting concurrently with the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1985.
"Economic Necessity and Moral Necessity." North American Society for Social Philosophy, meeting concurrently with the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 1984.
Some omitted
Response to Wilfred McClay, symposium on Reinhold Niebuhr's Christ and Culture, Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, 2009.
"To Lose God Is to Lose Man: What "Public Reason" Can Learn from Public Faith." Response, panel on Carson Holloway’s The Way of Life: John Paul II and the Challenge of Liberal Modernity, Society of Catholic Social Scientists, meeting concurrently with American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2009.
“What the Point Isn’t.” Response to Marvin M. Ellison, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, 2004.
Response to Nicholas Wolterstorff, conference on "Theology, Morality, and Public Life," University of Chicago Divinity School, 2003.
Response to Harry Jaffa, conference, “The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God: Reclaiming the American Constitution,” Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C., 1998.
Response to John Howard Yoder, Crossroads Conference on Christian Faith and Public Policy, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, 1997.
Response, panel on “Robert Kane’s Through the Moral Maze,” Department of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin, 1995.
Response, panel on "Rethinking Values: New Approaches to the Study of Ethics and Politics," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, 1990.
Response, panel on "Contested Views of the Political," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1987.
Response, panel on "Liberalism and the Public Good," Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1987.
Response, panel on "New Perspectives on Political Power," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1985.