Listen to Talks

Here are a few of the scholarly, semischolarly, and popular talks that I've given to various kinds of audiences. Some of these files are video, others just audio. If a talk doesn't open properly in one browser, try opening it in another.

I apologize for all the images of my ugly face.  When the video camera is trained on you the whole time, it's hard to find another image to illustrate the talk.

For the search engines:  These are talks by, and interviews with, J. Budziszewski on such topics as natural law, natural rights, philosophy, Christianity and Christian theology, politics, sexuality, college, and culture.


On Natural Law -- and Why It Is for Everyone, October, 2024

Ties to this article in NCBQ

Interview with Mark Bauerlein, host of the First Thoughts podcast at First Things, March, 2022.


Happiness, suffering, the Stoic revival, self-deception, why I used to be such an idiot, etc., April, 2022


Three hours of conversation on happiness, cabbages, kings, and lots of other things with Matt Fradd of Pints with Aquinas, April, 2022


Interview by Karina Macosko of Academic Influence, February, 2022


Interview by Jed Macosko of Academic Influence, February, 2022


Interview by Marianna Orlandi of the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture, March, 2022


Sołek Academic and Cultural Center, Poznań, Poland, June, 2021.  To follow along without slides, view this diagram of the architecture of law.

Conversation Series, Common Good Project, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, March, 2021

Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture, December, 2020

University of Oregon chapter of the Thomistic Institute, November, 2019

Annual Colloquium, “Aquinas and the Development of Law,” Aquinas Institute, Blackfriars, Oxford, March, 2019.

Conference on “Christianity and the Common Good,” Thomistic Institute, held at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October, 2018.

Conference on “Patriarchy:  Fatherhood and the Restoration of Culture,” Fellowship of St. James, Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois, October, 2018

Humanae Vitae 50th Anniversary Academic Symposium, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., April 2018

Veritas Forum Lecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February, 2018

Veritas Forum Lecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February, 2018 -- Audio Only

Interview with Ratio Christi, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February, 2018 -- Audio Only

Acton Institute lecture, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November, 2017

Trailer for my Commentary on Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Law

Discourse on Democracy series, Texas State University at San Marcos, October, 2015

Wheatley Institution, Brigham Young University, 2015

Highlights of an interview conducted by Marvin Olasky of World magazine, 2015

Anscombe Society, Stanford University, 2014

Anscombe Society, Stanford University, 2014

Distinguished Speakers Program, Franciscan University, Steubenville, 2014

Distinguished Speakers Program, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 2014

Courage (Catholic ministry to persons with same-sex attractions), 2013

Interviewed by Douglas Wilson, 2012

Westmont College Chapel, 2011

John Locke Foundation, 2011

James Madison Program, Princeton, 2011

Interviewed by Marcus Grodi, EWTN, 2005

Veritas Forum, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, October, 2003