The recent barrage of executive orders has put some conservatives in a triumphalist frame of mind.  From reverse racism, to gender madness, to the cancerous growth of the administrative state, to the arrest of pro-lifers and the intimidation of people of faith, I keep hearing “The election changed all that.  It’s all coming to an end.”


Sometimes I collect and log thoughts I don’t want to discuss at full length.  So you may consider today’s post a sheaf of promissory notes.


A young man in one of my classes ingenuously suggested that the educated and well-off are more virtuous than the poor.  I wasn’t surprised that he held such a complacent view, but only that he so readily gave voice it.  Among well-off people, this sort of thinking is no less common than it ever was, but nowadays it is impolitic to let it show.


I’ve asked before why some people don’t think about God, or even about whether He exists.  Let me change the question.  Supposing that He does exist (you may not accept the supposition), then why would it be wrong to ignore Him?